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Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Page 10
Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Read online
Page 10
He stood as tall as Dante with long brown hair that made her think of the most expensive fur one could purchase. His eyes were sky blue, so blue that for a moment she almost fell into them.
“I’m Mick, Dante’s brother.”
“Mick.” Nicolas greeted him warmly. “This is Janis.” The emphasis put on her name and the possessive hand on her hip conveyed more than she was ready to accept.
She would’ve balked or even made a mini scene if her inner wanton female wasn’t preening over that possessive movement. She gave a female eye role and tried not to let on her timid side was feeling the same exact way.
“Let me show you to a table.” He escorted them over to a table for two.
She looked around, noting they were the only couple seated at a table for two. Nicolas’s brothers and their mates were all seated at either three or four person tables.
She smiled when he pulled the chair out for her and pushed it in gently after she sat.
“You picked up a lot of old world charm when you came to earth.”
“You might say that. I actually lived here when old world charm was still the rage.”
She laughed, charmingly she hoped, and decided to let that comment go unchallenged. Really, how much more could she take?
Dante came out and welcomed them.
“We, my brothers and I, have prepared special dishes for everyone. I hope you enjoy them.” Dante looked around the room and then disappeared into the back.
“He seems so different from the rest of you.” Janis blushed, resisting the urge to clap her hand over her mouth.
In the past, she never had to worry about watching what came out of her mouth, because she’d always been alone.
“I meant no insult.”
“None was taken. Dante and his brothers are different from me and my brothers. Like different families on earth. He and his family had a different DNA makeup of males. We believe the Created are all a product of the same female DNA, but there are many Created we have never met, so that may not be a valid theory.”
She nodded her head. “Why are we sitting by ourselves?”
“They are giving me time to charm you. If it makes you uncomfortable, we can sit with the others.”
“You’re ok with it?” She hated the hesitancy she heard in her voice.
“I’m ok wherever we are. That includes sitting at an intimate table with you in one of the most exclusive restaurants in the world or being in a room, just you and me. We could be in a subway with you curled on my lap. As long as you’re there, I’m ok.”
Waiter, check please, I have an alien male to take home and ravish. She tried to control the smile that came at his words and failed miserably.
“Tell me a little about yourself.”
She took a deep breath. What could she say about herself? “Honestly, I don’t think there’s a lot to tell. My mom said I cried a lot as a baby. It could be that no one understood my medical condition back then. I spent so much time crying, that I didn’t talk until I was three. Then, it was only to communicate my pain.”
She shrugged and gave him a shaky smile, trying to say without words that it was no big deal.
“My mom finally found gloves to wear that would protect me from the heat of her hands. I was in school by that time. My mom wanted me in regular schools and the doctors practically insisted on it. She did what she thought was best, making me integrate with the other kids. If my illness had been different, it might have worked. Instead, I was mocked and ridiculed and became the butt of mean jokes. I was the one people took their anger and frustration out on, because I couldn’t fight back.”
She gave another shrug. The past was the past. “I always wished my illness came with cool super hero powers. No such luck. What about you? What was your life like?”
“Orders for as long as I can remember. When we were young, there was someone who came in and watched us. We were fed as children and told not to cry. We went to bed at a certain time and woke early in the morning. We went to school and played, but it was more like your military training. It consisted of physical exercises like drills, and races to drain us of our endless energy. At the time they were fun. We simply assumed all children born or created were treated that way. It wasn’t until our first trip that we realized this wasn’t the case.”
The easy smile he’d worn earlier was gone. The eyes that were filled with lust were now filled with pain. It was the kind of pain that made her want to send the perpetrator to the deepest pits of hell. If she could have protected a young Nicolas, she would have without a thought. No one should hurt like that.
“We lived in a very secluded area. There was nobody around us, except for the wild animals. Even the other Created weren’t close enough for us to know about. The Scientists never wanted the different groups to mingle. Some groups were raised deep underground, while others were raised in stations that orbited our world. My brothers and I were one of the few groups that lived on the surface. One day, they took us into the city. They wanted us to understand what we would grow up to protect.”
Nicolas halted as they were approached by a male Janis had yet to meet. He had several plates with him, as well as flutes of some amber colored liquid.
“Janis, this is Raphael. Raphael, this is Janis.”
“Nice to meet you.” She gave him a sincere smile.
“It’s nice to meet you.” He made quick work of setting appetizers and drinks in front of them.
“Raphael is one of Dante’s brothers,” Nicolas explained to Janis. “Where is everyone else?”
“They send their apologies. They couldn’t be here today, but are looking forward to getting together with the family.”
Nicolas nodded his head. “I look forward to seeing them again.”
Raphael executed a small bow and quietly walked away.
“At times I think I’m living a dream. Then I think of my life and I know everything is real. To be surrounded by aliens seems so surreal, but not as surreal as winning the lucky baby prize of being a test subject. Sorry, my head is still spinning a little.”
“You don’t get to say what will be done with you when you’re small and can’t speak or defend yourself. When you grow up, then you get to have a hand in your life. That’s when you make it matter.”
“What did you do to make your life matter?”
“When we went into the city; we were exposed to children our age, both males and females. Before that, we only knew of one female. She was our mother and came to us in dreams. To see that our world was full of them, amazed us. To be told we would never have a mate or be allowed to associate with the females, shamed us. I know I felt less than I was. We saw males strolling with their females and their children. Then they told us that was a dream the Created should never desire. I made up my mind that one day I would have what those males had, but I would cherish it and never take it for granted.”
Nicolas looked her in the eyes and she knew what he spoke was the truth. She wished she could give him what he wanted. She picked up her fork and stabbed a piece of her food, placing it in her mouth without looking down.
“Oh, that’s good.” She looked down to see a foreign meal sitting before her. “What is this?”
She hoped it wasn’t something disgusting because she was already eating with gusto.
“It’s what we would call a salad. Different lettuces and vegetables that can be found on my world are in there.”
“Do they grow them here?”
“The ones that will grow. Not everything we ate back home can be grown here.”
“Our world really is one huge melting pot. We’ve brought locally grown food from one place to another all around the Earth. We’ve also done that with insects and other animals. Where they were controlled in one part of the world, they thrived in another because they had no natural enemies. So I’m not surprised some of your alien vegetables survived and thrived on our world. In fact…” She ate the rest of her salad. “I’m happy.”
She sat stunned for a moment. She was happy and it had nothing to do with the alien vegetables she just consumed. She sat side by side with both aliens and humans and she was accepted. Stupid words, blank stares, and strange comments. All were accepted.
She looked up at Nicolas; he’d given this to her. This was the Christmas present she never dared to hope for. She gave him a watery smile and shoved her mouth full of the delicious main course Raphael delivered.
Dee walked over after the dinner plates were cleared from the table and everyone was caught up in idle chitchat. She pulled up a chair and sat down at their table.
“Mall trip tomorrow. What time?” she said in a whispered voice.
“Huh?” Janis stared at her.
“Mall trip. You, me, and Lorali. I’m whispering because Rena can’t go. No sense rubbing her face in it.”
“I know you’re planning something, Dee!” Rena’s voice carried over the room, mostly because everyone stopped talking when she started.
“Rena, you know you can’t come. We’ll come by after and show you everything, I promise.”
“Doll, if you want to go to the mall I’ll take you,” Aran said.
She shook her head. “No. I want to make sure our child is safe. There will be more than enough time for mall trips. Wait till I go and buy clothes for our bundle of joy.” Everyone laughed while Aran groaned.
“We’ll meet you at Nicolas’s tomorrow at eleven.” Dee got up and walked away before she could protest.
They broke up, leaving as quietly as they came.
Dante walked Nicolas and Janis out to the car. He stopped and whispered in her ear before saying goodbye.
Chapter Sixteen
They drove home in a companionable silence. The radio played as she snuggled into the seat, making the car feel like a temporary haven. The words Dante whispered in her ear tried to take over, but she relegated them to the side lines. There would be enough time to dwell on them tomorrow.
Now, all she wanted to dwell on was her alien chauffeur. The way his strong hands gripped the steering wheel fascinated her. She wanted those same hands on her, exploring her, making her tingle all over. She loved the way he paid attention to the road because she knew she’d get that same attention when he was driving her crazy with long, fog-inducing kisses.
If she didn’t know for sure she was the author of these thoughts, she would’ve accused Dante of spiking her food. Her stomach dropped as they pulled into the garage. She knew what she wanted tonight. What she didn’t know, was if she was strong enough to go through with it.
She called herself a coward even as she got out of the car door he’d opened for her. She lassoed every last doubt, putting them in a room in the back of her mind, closing the door on them. They could plague her tomorrow, but not tonight. Finally, she gave him a smile and escaped into the bathroom. A nice shower would help her in the courage department.
“Janis, do you want to watch a movie?”
She could tell he was standing on the other side of the door, not wanting to come in for fear of startling her.
“Only if you want to.”
She poured a good smelling shower gel out and began to wash her body with it. Once again, her mind went to Nicolas’s strong hands, caressing her as he washed her willing body. A strangled moan escaped her lips. She quickly washed off and toweled dry before she lost her courage.
Her breath hitched in her throat as she walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her. Nicolas sat on the bed with his chest bare, wearing nothing but a pair of low slung track pants.
Now is the time to do something sexy her mind screamed. She searched her repertoire for a sexy move or at least a flirtatious one. Her thoughts mocked her as they showed her the moves she knew. Those that allowed her to go unnoticed or to protect herself in extreme situations. Sexy and flirtatious were never part of her life.
Finally having given up on appearing worldly, coy, or unbelievable sexy, she did the only thing she could think of. She dropped the towel. Her hitched breath was now coming out way too fast. What if in the stark light of the room he no longer liked what he saw?
“Angel?” His voice was deep and masculine, making her shiver a little. “For me?”
She nodded her head, afraid her voice would betray her.
He stood, letting those loose pants outline a hard, thick bulge. She gave a sigh. She could finally breathe again. He still wanted her. As silly as it was, she wanted to cry happy tears.
He stood still and stretched out his hand, waiting for her to walk to him, to say with more than a nodding of her head that she wanted this.
She gave him a bright smile, although it trembled just a little, and walked over to him taking his outstretched hand.
“I’ve waited so long for you.” He took her hand and raised the palm to his mouth where he kissed it first, then nipped at with his teeth. She giggled, because it tickled.
“Tonight Janis, I’ll bury myself deep within you.” He searched her grey eyes waiting for her.
“Please.” Her body shuddered as she pressed herself against him, rubbing like a wanton female. She would’ve laughed at the word wanton, but he chose that minute to kiss her and pull at her nipple. Instead, small beads of desire consumed her, making her want so much more.
He reached down and picked her up, holding her comfortably in his arms as he crawled to the center of the bed, before laying her down.
“You are so beautiful. I love the way your pale skin heats up when I’m around. You look cool and hot at the same time.”
She blushed. Who knew one woman could blush like this? She could see her body heating up, even as her pale skin stayed true to its color.
“You do this to me.” She reached out to stroke his face. “You bring out a side of me I thought I buried forever.”
“I like all of the sides of you. I want to taste them, feel them.”
Lying down next to her, Nicolas laid down next to her claiming her lips in deep kiss. His tongue penetrated her mouth and stroked her tonsils, making her gasp for breath as she demanded more.
His tongue was like magic. The deeper he kissed her, the higher her need for him rose. Her mind came up with all sorts of things she wanted him to do before it short circuited and simply rolled around in the hotness of his kiss.
She arched her body as he licked down the side of her neck, making her feel little contractions in her stomach.
“I need you, Nicolas.” She could feel her pelvis in the air seeking something desperately as he leaned over and took one of her hard nipples in his mouth.
She cried out in pleasure the minute he sucked on it. She thrashed her head desperately as she felt his teeth tug, giving her tiny bites that increased her need for him.
She rubbed her hands over his back. She wanted to do more, but rational thought left. He traded nipples, pleasuring the other one as he continued to pull on the first with his fingers, squeezing it tightly between his fingers then releasing it to start all over.
Unintelligible sounds came out of her mouth as she begged him for so much more.
His body began to slide down hers as he placed kisses and love bites on her abdomen, stopping at her belly button to tickle her with his tongue. She squirmed as a spasm of lightening ripped through her body.
“Please.” Her breath sounded breathless and needy. She begged again loving the sound of her own voice.
“Nicolas, talk to me. Tell me what you want.”
“I want…,” he ran his stiff tongue down until it was resting on the top of her mound, “to be deep inside your body.”
Her body was wet and ready as she panted, wanting to be filled, now.
His hand covered her sex and squeezed a little making her head fall back ripping a “Yes!” out of her. She wanted that too.
He leaned down and licked the juices that were streaming out of her. She pushed her hips against him, trying to get closer.
The feel of his tongue threw her over the edge as
her body shuddered. The feel of him sucking on her clit made her eyelids flutter as darkness tried to take over. She fought it and stayed awake to enjoy the erotic pulsing coursing through her body.
“Angel?” He was leaning over her, rubbing his thick cock between the slick lips of her pussy, stealing her voice as she watched him with big eyes.
“Angel?” He asked again, waiting for her.
She nodded her head and thrust her hips, her breath caught as she felt what she had only been able to dream. He paused, giving her just a taste of what it would be like.
“Please Nicolas. Don’t make me beg.”
He leaned over and kissed her as he lowered his hips, easing the tip just inside of her wet pussy. Slowly he pushed. She felt her tightness grasp him until he stopped at a barrier. Her grey eyes flew up to his.
“Yes, Nicolas. Yes a million times.”
He thrust deep with his hips. She felt the barrier rip and reached up to hold onto his muscled arms as she experienced a brief pain. He stopped moving, letting her body become accustomed to him.
He was so deep she was panting. The thickness of him in her sent small quakes through her body. She tried to lie still, but lost the battle.
She swiveled her hips on his cock and moved, as emotions and sensations over-took her. Her moan seemed to entice him and he began to pull out and sink in slowly with each thrust, an inch at a time, deeper into her channel.
She cried out for more, but he wouldn’t go any faster, torturing her with the slow way his cock drilled into her. Her fingers clutched onto his arms, encouraging him to give her more.
He pulled all of the way out and pistoned into her faster as she let out a wail. The lips of her pussy quivered as he pounded deep into her. The beat of her heart matched thrust as gasps of bliss echoed in the room.
“So good, Nicolas. You feel so good in me. I can feel my pussy sucking you in deep, pulsing around your cock.” Her words became incoherent sounds as his cock continued to drill into her.
He hit a spot that made her open her mouth in a silent scream as her eyes found his, a curling that felt like the start of a fire fanned to life in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t control her body. She needed to get to the paradise she sensed was just over the horizon.