Niko: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Read online

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  Her mind screamed at her to run. Danger Will Robinson was going through her mind, but her traitorous heart made her head shake yes.

  He held out a hand and she took it. He led her to the dance floor. The song was slow and seductive and she moved into his arms like she had lived there all of her life. His strong lithe frame melded into hers and she sighed.

  Darn it. She had actually sighed and laid her head against his chest as she closed her eyes. She was going to milk this for all it was worth, this sense of peace. The monsters had fled when his arms closed around her.

  She knew he could feel her heart beating against his chest, but took comfort in the fact that he couldn’t know the trickle between her legs had turned into a flood in his arms.

  Her panties were soaked. How often did that happen to her? Never, before now. She let go of that thought. She refused to care for the next few minutes. She only wanted to enjoy the unexpected feeling of being a desirable female.

  Ironic actually, since everyone assumed she knew what it felt like and that she held it over men’s heads.

  The slow song ended and a fast one came on. She pulled out of his arms, already missing the feeling of protection they provided. Who was she kidding, she missed it all.

  She liked the way he moved. His moves complimented hers showing her off to her best advantage, as if he was there to merely make her look good. She twirled around him, dancing and laughing. She was having fun. Real fun. She would examine that tidbit later.

  She was exhausted when she finally called out uncle. They had danced through a whole set, both fast and slow. He led her off of the dance floor, but not back to the bar.

  They found a small table for two and sat down.

  “Thank you. I have not danced like that for a long time.”

  “You’re welcome. I enjoyed it.”

  She smiled at him and made plans to escape. She regretted having to leave him, but staying would cause her more trouble than she wanted. She had made her mind up long ago, no real relationships. No getting close. No telling anyone about her past. No loving.

  “Excuse me, Niko. I need to use the little girl’s room.”

  There was an exit back there. She had scoped it out earlier. She always looked for a way to escape now. Her ankles were killing her. It really had been a long time since she had danced like that. What she wouldn’t give to take her shoes off. Maybe she would drive home barefooted.

  She hit the side door and took in a big breath of the crisp air. It wasn’t clean, but it wasn’t sweaty and smoke heavy either.

  “The air where I live is clean and fresh. You will enjoy it.”

  She jumped at the sound of his voice. Any voice would have startled her, but his made her jump. Niko was leaning against the wall on the other side of the door. She had never even seen him.

  “How did you do that?”

  “I have the ability to blend in with my surroundings.”

  “Like a chameleon?”

  “No, they change colors. I don’t. I am not sure how it is done. I simply fade into the background like I am not there. Your eyes simply refuse to see me.”

  She shivered as the words of her kidnapper whispered in her mind telling her he wasn’t the only monster roaming her world. She pushed the thought away.

  “That’s slightly freaky. What are you doing out here?”

  “Making sure you don’t run away.”

  “I am not running.”

  “That’s why we are having this conversation in an alley.”

  “I decided it was time to go home and left through the closest door.”

  “Since I am here, I will escort you home. It is getting late and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Thanks, but I drove. You can walk me to my car.”


  She walked over to him. He led them out of the alleyway. She was not done for the night, but he didn’t have to know that. She needed to go home with someone tonight.

  Sergey was leaning on the hood of her car when they reached it. He looked comfortable there, as if he was supposed to be meeting up with them. She knew something was wrong when she saw him. The Dare brothers did nothing without a reason.

  “Mr. Dare, can I help you?”

  She decided not to point out that he happened to be leaning against one of the few things she actually took pride in. She gave her baby a good looking at to see if there were any dents she would have to fight over.

  “Dee, I thought this was your car.”

  Thought her behind, he knew exactly what she drove. She wouldn’t put it past him to have memorized the plate and the VIN number.

  “Amazing that you could pick out my baby when there are so many other cars on this street. Did you come to pick Niko up?”

  “No, nothing like that. I came because I wondered how smooth the ride was in your car.”

  “The ride is incredible. You should arrange a test drive at a dealer.”

  Sergey smiled and stared at her with his unreadable eyes. She really needed different scenery, maybe a different town. The brothers insisted on being there for her, even when she assured them she wanted to be left alone.

  “Dee.” Nikos voice was rich like the best alcohol. It was low and seductive like the feel of that alcohol sliding over your tongue, causing ecstasy in your mouth, and then sliding down your throat so smooth, before it landed in your belly with a fire that felt so good you had to have another sip.

  “Hand the keys to Sergey.” It was the command to hand over her keys that brought her out of her fantasy of drinking him down like the finest liquor ever made.

  “No. I will be driving my own car.” The shaking of her head was for emphasis, unfortunately her vision blurred at that moment.

  “You can’t drive in this condition.”

  “What condition?” She glared at Niko. Who died and left him the boss of her?

  “You’re drunk.”

  “No, I am not. I am slightly intoxicated and everyone knows you can drive while slightly intoxicated.”

  “Give Sergey the keys and then you can prove you’re not drunk.”

  She moved to the hood of her car and then spread her arms to give it a big hug. She then decided to give her car kisses, while she promised never to let it go to the famous car killer Sir Sergey.

  She went to stand and tripped in her shoes. She never tripped in her shoes. Had she gotten too big? Maybe she should forget about eating tomorrow. It was her mother’s revenge.

  “The keys, Dee.”

  She reached in her little clutch purse and palmed her keys. She held them tight, as she pulled them out. Everything that could happen to her car ran through her mind.

  “What will you do with it?”

  “Park it at Niko’s house.”

  She looked from Sergey to Niko for confirmation. He nodded his head. Right or wrong, she trusted Niko, besides short of calling 911, to tell them that her employers who were concerned about her safety wouldn’t let drive drunk, there was nothing she could do.

  She held out her keys and reluctantly gave them to Sergey.

  “I promise nothing will happen to your car.” Sergey slid into the driver seat and turned the key, bringing the car to life. Inside her car, he pulled out and left them standing on the curb.

  “Come on, I am parked up the street.” The walk wasn’t long. He drove a black BMW.

  “I don’t want to go home yet.”

  “You’re not.”

  Chapter Six

  She eased herself into the car. It exuded luxury and strength, just like the man himself. She settled back and felt the softness of the vehicle surround her. She hated this. She was always the one driving. Driving meant she was in control.

  She clutched her hands, so they wouldn’t shake. She wasn’t in control now. She had always maneuvered in the past so that she was in charge. She would give a big smile, make her voice husky ‘no lover, I will follow you home.’

  If she wanted it badly, she would get c
lose to the guy then stand on her toes and whisper ‘I’ll drive, you’ll want my hand between your legs as I shift.’ It worked every time.

  Didn’t really matter how she did it, she always made sure the power, the hum, the roar and the control was between her legs.

  She had given up that control, like an eighteen year old getting separated from her friends for the first time. She looked over at him. He was way too dangerous for an eighteen year old.

  “I want another drink.” Was that her voice? Partly husky, the voice she used when she wanted to be full of a man now. Not just any man though, this man.

  Her voice was also partly demanding. She was looking for a way to be in control.

  “Your wish, my desire.” His voice was silk, freaking sex on a stick. Her body reacted to every word, her nipples hardened, her breath hitched, her thighs clenched and her sex… let’s leave it at her panties may never be the same again.

  She closed her eyes while she felt the hum of the car vibrate between her legs. When she got that drink, everything would be ok. She comforted herself with that thought, while she fought sleep.

  She opened her eyes looking for a line of buildings, signaling the next bar or club she would be walking into. It should be some after-hours joint right about now, but she found nothing.

  She was in a big parking lot. No bar around here, she was certain of that.

  “Where are we?”

  He got out and came around to open her door, helping her out. That was a lost art, men opening the door for women. She looked around again and allowed her eyes to settle on the Eat N Park.

  “No. That’s not where I wanted to go.” Was he dense? Was the man playing some sort of game with her?

  “It’s open all night long, baby and serves a multitude of drinks.”

  Her spine stiffened. Had he just called her baby? No one called her baby. Ever. Baby was the nice little pet name you called something, or someone you cared about. That’s why her car was her baby. She actually cared about it.

  She tried not to let her agitation show. If he knew how that simply worthless name affected her, he would have the upper hand.

  “I wanted an alcoholic drink, and you know it.” She needed it more right now than she had needed it earlier.

  He put his arm around her body, pulling her close. She smelled that musk that was all his own. It couldn’t have come from a bottle. His unique smell reminded her of wildness, the anticipation of an animal on the prowl, if someone ever figured out how to bottle it, they would be rich. More importantly, every man would be wearing this scent, driving the female population to masturbate in cars, elevators and even on the street.

  This was all his scent. How had she resisted the temptation this long?

  They walked into the brightly over done orange and beige Eat N Park. The waitress took one look at her and probably classified her as a high class call girl or street hooker.

  Her short black mini was out of place in this establishment. Her stilettos were so out of place here. The waitress was wearing the kind of shoes that were practical and sensible, while she gave Niko a hungry smile.

  Dee put her hand on Niko’s arm. Mine was the message she sent to the smiling waitress, who looked like she was falling under Niko’s do me smell.

  “Table for two.” They followed the waitress back to a table big enough for six and smiled thank you.

  “So do all the women fall for those eyes of yours and that thick musky smell you have?”

  “What musky smell?”

  He smelled himself looking around, hoping no one had seen him. She laughed. She couldn’t help it. He was so approachable at that moment.

  “You might as well stop sniffing yourself. Your smell is natural, so you will never smell it. It’s just who you are.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you like the smell of me, baby.” The waitress was back before she could reply.

  “Can I take your orders?”

  This was a different waitress. She was younger than the first. The waitress took one look at Niko and put in her own order. Dee rolled her eyes.

  “I will just have a cup of coffee.” The waitress’s took her eyes off Niko to focus on Dee. The more the waitress stared at him, the more pissed off Dee got. He wasn’t on the auction block, which of course upset her more because she cared.

  She never cared about her one night stands, not that he would ever make it that far with her.

  “It that all you want?” Her eyes gave Dee a once over and pegged her.

  Dee wondered if she had been pegged correctly, slightly anorexic, way too thin, allowing the men to feel like fucking Hercules when they were with her. Allowing them the thought of control, but never the real thing.

  “No,” she answered softly, eyeing Niko. “I am full.”


  She was starving, punishing herself for something she had no control over. Welcome to my world baby, Niko thought. Your days of being in control of every situation have come to an end. He had watched her long enough. She needed him.

  The flip side of that coin, the hell he wasn’t ready to admit was that he needed her too.

  “Can I get you something, sir?”

  The waitress had turned that all too sweet smile on him. He smiled back at her for several reasons. One because it pissed off the kitten sitting across from him. Dee was all sharp angles, claws and a raised back. She was a kitten to his animal and his animal wanted to stroke her.

  “Seems I am hungry.” He ordered two breakfast specials, two steaks salads and a burger and fries.

  The waitress’s eyes had grown larger, the more he ordered. Then he topped it off with two thick shakes and the ever present cup of coffee.

  “Hollow leg?” Aww his kitten was testing her baby fangs on him.

  He shrugged, “Guess I am hungry.”

  “I think you ordered enough to feed a family of four.”

  “I think if you’re hungry, you should eat.”

  She shook her head no. “You should control yourself. Always eat less than you want, less than you need. To allow yourself to do more than that is to slip into the minds and the habits of the common.”

  She had spoken the words as if they had been ingrained into her, something that had to be said when the conversation turned to food.

  “Is that what you do, Dee? Do you continually starve yourself, keep yourself on the edge, continually hungry?”

  Her lashes had lowered to keep her eyes from meeting his. She had long thick lashes that called out to him, made him want to feel them on his chest when they closed in sleep.

  “The kidnapping wasn’t your fault, Dee. You couldn’t have changed it.”

  “I was supposed to be staying with her you know, Rena. She wanted me to stay. I even spent a few nights, but she was so happy. Even with everything happening, she was so happy.”

  He nodded his head listening to her. They, he and his brothers, had thought that keeping her with her best friend, would ensure her safety. What did they know about human women? Not much.

  On his planet, the one he had been created on, it would have worked. Those females instinctively understood a command and obeyed at all cost. On the world his beast originated from, that command would have been heeded.

  They, he and his brothers, had miscalculated. They did not understand earth women, but they should have taken the time to understand Dee. She was as important as Rena. He had known that, but couldn’t understand the timing.

  On his worlds, either of them, he would not be with a potential mate yet. There was an order. The process would start when the eldest met his match.

  Aran was the eldest. Rena was definitely his mate. Next should be Sergey. He was the next to the eldest and would take charge of their family if something ever happened to Aran.

  Of course, blood would run in the streets if something happened to Aran.

  The scent of their food arriving brought him out of his thoughts.

  Chapter Seven

  Dee watched the waitr
ess as she brought the food. Niko had made it clear he wanted his food at intervals. She was supposed to start with the two breakfast platters. She had obviously been listening.

  The waitress slid both plates on the table in front of Niko, giving him a big smile. Dee had an image of her stiletto through one of the waitresses eyes before she reigned herself in.

  “Can I get you a refill on your coffee?”

  Niko declined for both of them. They had barely sipped it so far.

  “If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.”

  Dee knew what the woman wanted to do and thoughts of her stilettos invaded her brain again. She really needed to ditch the shoes. They were playing too heavily in her fantasies.

  Niko pulled a plate up in front of him and drizzled syrup all over his French toast, making Dee’s stomach rumble in hunger.

  Remember, she reminded herself, you don’t need to eat that often. Eating is giving into the hold of addiction.

  She consoled herself with thoughts of wearing her beautiful clothes as she watched him chew his food and then swallow it down the strong column of his neck.

  She was going to be sick. She wanted to attack him for the food sitting in front of him. He ate too much. How did he stay slim and strong?

  He took another bite and she knew she couldn’t sit much longer and be tortured like this.

  She watched as he moved his fingers to the second plate. Did he know she was thinking of grabbing it away from him? His fingers caressed the edge of the plate like a lover. All she wanted to do was bite those fingers to get them away from the precious food.

  Without raising his eyes he slid that plate over to her. When it was close enough she grabbed it and pulled it to her. She attacked the second set of silverware on the table. Immediately she began cutting, mixing and eating.

  She was so hungry, she barely tasted the food. She felt like she had lived on the island of one of those reality shows for way too long.

  No words were exchanged as she ate, feeling feral and unable to stop herself. When her meal was consumed, she looked up to see him finishing his.