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Aran: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Page 4

  He pushed her breasts together until the nipples looked like twins sitting together. The milk chocolate of them looking like kisses begging to be licked. Lowering his head he took both of them into his mouth and sucked as he moved his hips on hers.

  The tug of his lips on her nipples tugged at her core making her thrust up against the feel of his thick long cock dry humping her. She moaned needing and wanting more. She wanted to feel him deep inside her body.

  Rena lost the battle before she could demand the ultimate experience. Her head fell backwards and she screamed, as her body erupted into pleasure.

  Chapter Seven

  Why was it so damn hot in here? Rena took a look around the conference room. Everyone was talking in hushed voices, but no one looked hot, it must just be her. It had to be the fact that she couldn’t stop thinking about Saturday with Aran. He had given her the best orgasm of her life. She had laid there panting, trying to catch her breath, while he had used his hands to pet her, plying little kisses on her abused and extremely satisfied nipples.

  “You liked that, doll.” His rough voice had caressed her ears.

  “I more than liked it.” His arrogant smile had taken over his face, but she couldn’t even begrudge him it. He deserved every minute of it.

  She had wanted to touch him, feel him. Instead, his head had cocked to the side before saying they needed to get back to the others, they were hungry.

  He had been right. They were discussing dinner options when they walked in. Dee had taken one look at her and her mouth had dropped opened for a moment. All she could do was smile at her best friend. She had felt that good.

  Now Rena was sitting with the rest of the people she worked with waiting for the meeting to start. She woke up yesterday to find an e-mail telling her to come into the office this morning, an important announcement would be made. She shook her head. There went her job. She knew they would have argued that if they wanted to save money, hers was one of the positions they could cut without sacrificing efficiency, and she was too happy to even care.

  Mr. Harris walked in. He was on the short side, standing about five five. He wore fashionable glasses that looked nice on him. He had dark hair and brown eyes. When she had met him two years ago, he had had a boyish look to his attractive face. Things had changed over those years. He now had a ragged appearance and lines of worry etched his face. She had begun to feel sorry for him. Seeing him this way just confirmed the feeling.

  The room quieted down as he just stood there and waited.

  “Glad to see all of you.” he smiled at them. It was a sad smile that never reached his eyes.

  “Nice to see you too.” The crowd mumbled back. Any excitement at seeing coworkers who worked from home had cleared. Now all that remained was the cloying scent of fear. Do I still have a job? How will I pay my bills? Do I qualify for unemployment? Everyone in the room knew that someone would be jobless by the end of the day. Will it be me, was the look on every face?

  “I want to start by thanking everyone here for all of the hard work they have put into the company. We have only come this far because of all that you do. Having said that, I know you are aware that we have been having some financial difficulties.”

  He stopped to meet the gazes of those sitting in the room. The heartache on his face was apparent.

  “The board has met and I have met with our accountants, lawyers and anyone else we thought might help. They have all assured us that we can ride this storm out. Unfortunately, that means we will have to tighten our belts. Which in term means we will not be able to give out raises this year.”

  A low grumble went out through the crowd, but no one rejected the idea. At least they still had a job.

  “One last thing.” No one breathed. “We are going to have to lay some of you off until things pick up again. Each layoff is eligible for unemployment. Everyone please check your company e-mail. It has been a pleasure working with you all.”

  Mr. Harris headed for the door, leaving the room stunned. Rena pulled out her phone, having heard the ‘you have mail’ sound on. She stared at the screen as her thoughts were confirmed. She no longer had a job. She wasn’t surprised.

  She sat and watched the others, some her friends, others acquaintances and some she didn’t know at all. Some of them scurried out, going to their desks to check their computers. Others pulled out phones like she had done. Some dropped their heads and their shoulders drooped. She was sure she saw the sheen of tears. Others hooped with laughter. They had not been effected.

  What she found most interesting was the board of directors standing in the back of the room, watching it all go down. When she had been hired, she was told they were off limits. She was never to look into what they were doing. She was a professional and had respected the limitations given her, but she wasn’t stupid.

  She had made sure that she could follow their trails if the day ever arose and by the smiles on some of their faces, that day had just risen. She may give Mr. Harris a farewell present and erase a few of those lines on his face. With a smile of her own, she walked past the directors, sizing each one up.


  The flowers in front of her door brought her to a halt. Looking around, she saw no one. She kneeled down and looked for a card.

  “These flowers cannot compare to you, but I hope you like them anyway. Aran.”

  He obviously had not told them to get a signature. Since he knew she worked from home that made sense to her. Opening the door, she walked in. She set the large vase down, playing with the flowers. She wished she could see him, but he was going to be out of town until tomorrow. He had told her he needed to go to D.C. It involved one of their contracts. Turns out doing security work paid well, as long as you had contracts with both the government and the military.

  She grabbed the phone. “Hi.”

  “Hi, doll. How are you?”

  “Good.” She felt her cheeks flush and smiled like crazy since he couldn’t see her. “The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You are beautiful. Am I interrupting your work?”

  “No, I actually had to go into the office today.”

  “Everything OK?”

  “Depends on how you look at it.” She launched into her day and what had happened at work. She ended with the jobless part.

  “What will you do now?”

  “Take some time off. Apply for unemployment, maybe. I don’t have to look for a job yet, so I am thinking, why not just enjoy myself?”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me. It will give us a chance to spend some time together.”

  “I like that thought.”

  “Are you alone, doll?”

  “Yes.” Her voice broke on that word, getting excited for no reason.

  “Go to your bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. Can you see yourself?”

  She placed her earpiece in and did as he asked. “Yes.”

  “Slide your finger over your lip the way I would if I were there.”

  “Are you doing it?” She nodded and then remembered he couldn’t see her.


  “Good doll. Now take your tongue and make those pretty lips all nice and moist for me. I can see them shining, begging for my kiss. I would bite your plump lips, then kiss away the sting. Missing me doll?”

  “Yes. Wishing you were here.” She was looking in the mirror, but she could see Aran, feel him touching her.

  “Beautiful doll, now touch your neck. The neck you love to have kissed and licked and bit. Run your fingers down until you hit that spot I bit to drive you crazy.”

  She found the spot, could feel the heat coming from it like he was biting her now. Her knees went weak and she felt a gush of warmth between her thighs.

  “I can hear those soft sexy sounds your making. Hearing you, makes me crazy for you. Take your hand and allow it to trace around the front of your neck and the drift down towards your breasts. Can you feel my hands on you? The heaviness of my fingers tracing the opening o
f your shirt.”

  She was panting now. Those sexy words in that rough, aroused voice was making her weak, making her needy.

  She heard noises in the background. Fighting?

  “Doll, I am going to have to go, but before I do I want you to cup one of those marvelous breasts for me. The right one. Give my apologies to the left. Now squeeze tight.”

  She moaned, not an, I am pretending to do what you say moan, but a loud ‘oh my god my neighbors may hear me’ moan. She didn’t care. She needed him.

  “I have to go, doll. Don’t you touch that pussy. It is mine.”

  The silence between them was thick.

  “I have to stay another day. Look for a present in the mail.”

  She heard the sound of fist on flesh and then the call dropped.

  Chapter Eight

  He could almost feel her pleasure. If he closed his eyes, he could smell her honey. It was made just for him and he wanted to lick it, to rub his face all in it. He had crushed her thick breasts in his hands and she had not cried out. Wait, she had cried out, but not in pain. He had taken her honey nut colored nipples between his fingers and pinched them. Her body had shuddered and she creamed all over her panties. He had heard her scream. The fear that he would look down and find her broken had stopped him momentarily.

  The knowledge that he had lost control and had been a male with her excited him. Not a human male, no he could never be that. He had been a male created for war, touching the most precious gift he had ever received. How could he lose control? He had looked down as he condemned himself to see nipples begging for his touch. To her moan of ‘so good’. That was the moment he lost himself to her.

  He knew pain, knew it on a level she would never understand. She had not been in pain. She had been lost in pleasure and that pleasure had bonded him to her more surely than a minister telling him to say ‘I do’. She was his. He just had to find a way to tell her. Maybe his little gift would start her wondering.

  Forgetting her, he turned to look at the male, the human male whose neck he was slowly squeezing.

  “Who sent you?” The snarl that came out of his mouth wasn’t human.


  She had tossed and turned all night and not because she was worried about her now defunct job. No, she had been achy. She was needy, and she had burned and found no relief. Each time she tried to slip her hands between her legs, she had heard that rough voice telling her not to touch. She still wasn’t sure what made her hesitate, but she did. So instead she flexed her thighs together. She had even thrust against the bed a time or two looking for a relief that never came. Getting up early in the end had not bothered her at all. Anything to climb out of bed and away from dreams of him taking her hard.

  “You have to have a job.”


  Dee had called off work, something she told her not to do. But did the other woman listen? No. She had hurried over with her favorite ice cream as if she needed ice cream this early in the morning. She had also brought a couple of decadent cups of coffee. Her favorite kind. Honestly good ice cream and sinful coffee was better than sex. Thoughts of Aran popped into her head. On second thought maybe not.

  “I have enough to live on for a while. Besides__.”

  The knock at the door stopped her. She peeped out of the hole to see the UPS man standing there.

  She opened the door. “Hi.”

  “Hi. I have a package for Rena Saunders.”

  “I am Rena.” She looked at the small package in his hands. What could be in there? She took the pen and signed her name.

  “Nice meeting you.” He gave her one more smile and took off.

  “He was hot.” Dee commented making a face that had Rena laughing.

  He had been tall, and blonde, with a hot body. He looked like a little boy compared to Aran.

  “He was ok.”

  She put the package on the table and wondered if she should wait until Dee left.

  “You know you’re opening that right? You are not going to make your bessttt friend leave before you open it.” She had brought her hand up to clutch at her heart and made dying noises causing Rena to laugh.

  “Stop it. You win. You better keep whatever it is to yourself.”

  “Definitely.” She crossed her heart. “Unless I rent a bill board. That big one in Oakland that everyone reads in heavy morning traffic.”

  Rena took a minute to wipe tears from her eyes. That bill board was being used for some of the silliest ads lately. They always called each other when it changed so they could have a good laugh.

  She just shook her head and opened the package. Her eyes got big before they flew up to meets Dee’s. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

  “Are those what I think they are?”

  “He got you nipple rings.”

  “I don’t want to pierce my nipples!” Rena said adding, “Did that sound like a prude?”

  “Different strokes, Rena. These aren’t for piercing. Pick them up and look.”

  She had dropped the box the minute she realized what it was. She was excited by the idea of them and scared at the same time. Did she want her bestie to know she liked the idea of being a freak with that man?

  They weren’t pierced. Nipple shields. She had been eyeing a pair for a while, but she had refused to try. She had given up on men, after all.

  There was a card. ‘I can already see them on you, doll. Wait for my call before you do anything.’

  “Look at that smile. What did the card say?”

  Dee tried to pull it out of her hands, but she stuffed it down her bra.

  “You think I won’t go there? What did that card say?”

  She knew her friend was crazy and she would go there. Not that it mattered. They had been friends for a long time. They had slept in the same room and a couple of times the same bed to save funds. Anyone who says a friend will never see you naked needed a friend like Dee.

  “He hoped I liked them and wanted me to wait for his call.”

  “Rena and Aran sitting in a tree. Kissing.”

  “Really girl. Stop that stuff.”

  “You like him?”


  “Looks like he likes you.”

  “I hope so.” She grabbed the box off the table. She would take a better look at them later.

  “I’m leaving. It looks like you’re going to be ok.”

  “I told you that this morning before you decided to ditch work. So why did you decide to ditch work?”

  “For you, of course.”

  Rena walked over to her and gave her a hug. Dee always had her back.

  “Are you feeling hungry?”

  “I could eat.” Dee said disengaging from the hug.

  “Great, you can tell me about your guy troubles.”

  “Can’t wait.” Dee smiled, but there were shadows in her eyes.


  “Did your gift come doll?”

  “I got it.”

  “Like it?”

  “Yes.” She had spent hours looking at them, wondering what they would feel like.

  “You want to wear them?” The heat from his voice made her melt.

  “Take your shirt off doll and plant your sexy ass in front of a mirror.”

  She stood looking at herself in her bedroom mirror. Her eyes already had that slightly excited look to them and her breathing was a little harder. All this and she had just answered the phone.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “Nice red bra with matching panties.”

  “Can’t wait to see them on you. Framing your pretty chocolate breasts. I so enjoyed that little blue number the other day. Do you have the nipple rings?”


  “Good take one of those beauties out and hold it for me. The next time I see you I am going to take one plump nipple in my mouth and suck it. I will suck on it so hard baby and watch the nipple harden and grow. Then I am going to bite it. Will you like that?”

�Yes.” Already her nipple was getting hard just from the picture he was describing. Her fingers had found it and started to caress and pull on it. Darn it, she wanted to suck them and imagine it was his lips on her.

  “Pinch them, doll. Make them nice and hard. Next time while I am blowing on those hard nipples, my fingers are going to explore those red panties, slip underneath the waist band until I find your creamy center.”

  She pulled on her nipple as it got nice and plump. Small little moans came out. She wanted him now, not later. She wanted to feel him sink balls deep in her and make her scream like she never had. She wanted to feel his hard thrust deep inside her, filling her, making her feel like she was the only one. She wanted to be sore the next morning, because it had been that good the night before.

  She hung her head. She wanted everything a good girl wasn’t supposed to want.

  “Rena.” The snap of his voice brought her back. “Stay with me doll.”

  She licked her lips and concentrated on the softening nipple. “I am here.”

  “Doll, it’s just you and I. You’re beautiful standing in that mirror, allowing me to tell you what to do. You’re sexy and you’re strong. Pinch your nipple make it nice and hard for me. Take your ring baby and slid your nipple through and clamp it on.”

  She gasped from the feel of it. The slightly cold metal on her skin felt so good. Closing it tightly around her aching nipple sent a shiver of desire to her pussy.

  “Wear it for me doll. Take the other nipple, play with it. Imagine my teeth nibbling at it. Make it nice and hard so you can put the ring on. Wear them for me tonight. Think of me loving you.”

  “They look so pretty on.” They were small interlocking flowers on the rings and they looked so good over her nipples, the gold on her brown skin.

  “I will be back tomorrow. Can I see what they look like on you when I come home doll?”


  Chapter Nine