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Aran: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Page 5
Aran: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Read online
Page 5
What did you do when you had no job to distract you? You waited for the man you couldn’t stop thinking about to call and say he was back. If that was all she had to do, she would be fine. But no, she was wearing nipple rings and her sensitive nipples, the ones that had never been sensitive before, were rubbing against her bra and driving her crazy. She felt like one of those women who thought about sex all of the time. Well, she thought about sex a lot, but this was beyond that. She wanted to be fucked now.
She always felt naughty when she said that word, not that she cared right now. She was so hot she felt like she would burn up if she didn’t get hosed down. She needed to get a grip. Sliding onto her desk chair, she sat. She needed to see if her back doors were still in place. She smiled once she was in, she would take out some of her frustration on the board. Let’s see what secrets they have.
The sound of her phone ringing brought her back to the present. She had spent hours tracking certain board members, certain dirty board members.
“Hi, doll. Miss me?”
“Aran, are you back?”
“I am and I am coming your way. I was wondering if you wanted to pack a bag and spend a few days with me.”
They had just met. She had already let him touch her. She had spent time with him commanding her to touch herself. Now, she wanted to spend more time with him. Throwing caution to the wind, she decided to agree. She would send Dee a text, so she would know where to find her. She was needy, not stupid.
“I would like that.”
“I will pick you up soon.”
“I will be ready.” She broke the connection.
She pulled out a travel bag and started packing. How much should she take? Enough for a day, three days, a week? She packed as much as the bag would hold. If he asked, she would just fake it. She eyed her laptop. Take it or leave it? In the end, leaving it was not an option. She packed it as well as the few notes she had taken that were hard copy. She was ready when the bell rang.
“Hi yourself.” He reached over and drew her close, giving her a kiss on her doorstep. “Missed you.”
She smiled at him. “You talked to me every day.”
“That wasn’t nearly enough. You got your bags packed?”
She eyed her overstuffed bag and wondered what he would think.
“It’s right there.” She pointed it out.
“Just one? Guess you will have to come back for more later.”
He walked past her to grab it, while she grabbed her laptop. Come back for more? She found herself smiling. She could definitely do that.
He put her bag and lap top into the car, and then drove them to his house. He was an excellent driver, even if he had driven a bit fast for her. They made it in one piece, without even the hint of an accident. So that made her feel better.
Although the trip over had been without incident her mind had crashed into itself several times. Who asked you to come to their house this soon? What if she was a mass murderer? What if he was? That little voice in her head telling her she never did anything stupid was arguing with a different voice saying she was completely safe.
Sighing she went with her gut instinct that said Aran was safe. She had played by all the rules her entire life and needed to throw caution to the wind there may never be another chance to do this.
They were standing in the wide foyer that greeted them after they entered the front door.
“Your house is beautiful.”
“Thank you. I like the space. I need the space. We all do.”
“I understand. My place is small. Still it’s big for one person.”
Off to the right was a wide staircase, one she was presently following him too.
“Follow me. I will show you to the master bedroom where you can put your clothes up. Then I will show you to my office. You can work in it whenever you would like.”
The second floor was wide. To the right was one massive door. She followed him through to a large sitting room with a bedroom attached.
She wondered if he had a decorator do the sitting room. It was done in warm browns with highlights of a soft peach. The walls gave her a feeling of peace. There was a wide couch that he could lay on and two overstuffed armchairs, big enough for a couple to sit on. He had a flat screen TV mounted on the wall at the perfect level for sitting or lying.
“This is beautiful.” She looked around. The room should be featured in a magazine.
The bedroom was even more impressive. A huge bed took up the center of the room. It was massive and looked comfortable. She was sure she could fit a family of five in there easily. This room was done in a warm brown also, but it had accents of hunter green. There was a dresser facing the bed and one along the side wall, with another set of chairs in one corner. Behind them was a balcony. The man did like his comfort.
“Over here is closet space and through this door is the bathroom.”
She walked over and peeked in. Yep, she had died and gone to heaven. She could spend some portion of eternity in there.
“Come with me. Grab your lap top.”
They left the room and went to the left. He opened the first door. Behind it was a huge office. It was most definitely male. Lots of black and browns dominated the room. There was a massive mahogany desk and across from it sat a smaller cherry desk. While the bigger desk was obviously used, the smaller one had nothing on it.
She loved the windows, the light pouring through them would make the office feel a lot like hers.
“Nice office, but that little desk looks like a new edition.” Little was relative. It was much bigger than her desk at home.
He shrugged. “I was thinking if you came to stay for a few days, you might want a space to work so I ordered it and had it brought while I was gone.”
“You had a desk brought in for me?” She was at a loss for words. Either he was the best man she had ever had or he was the scariest one which meant she needed to run.
“If you don’t like it, we can get a different one.” The words came out so matter of fact that she wasn’t scared at all. She simply wanted to get to know him better.
“I like it.”
“Good. I am going to hop in the shower. Have a look around or make yourself comfortable. Be back soon.”
Well, if he was a crazy stalker, he needed to read up on the rule book. She left and checked the rest of the rooms upstairs. There were three other bedrooms up there. One looked like it was the guest room that got the most use. She slipped back into the bedroom and changed into stretch pants and a long tee while he showered. She was choosing comfort over seduction. She might regret it later.
Rena grabbed her phone and sent Dee a quick text. She felt better knowing that Dee knew where she was.
Chapter Ten
She’s in my house. Some part of him had settled at that reality. No reason to fight or beat his chest to prove she was his. He walked into the bedroom and smiled. Her sweet scent was in the air. He peeked, he had too, in the closet and the dresser to make sure her clothes were now with his. They were. She had even changed. Yeah, he peeked in the clothes hamper too.
Step one accomplished. Time for the next step. He walked down the stairs to smell something other than her scent. He followed his nose to the kitchen.
“Hi, I was hungry. Hope you don’t mind.”
“No, it smells good.”
“Your kitchen is stocked. I noticed you eat a lot of beef.”
“Red meat seems to quench a hunger I have.”
“Well I hope you’re hungry. I took out two of the steaks you had in the fridge and some veggies and rice. Thought I might throw dinner together.”
“Make mine rare please.”
She smiled at him. “You got it.”
Aran sat still staring at her. She was cooking for him, it was something he had not expected at least not yet. The women on his planet cooked for no one except the male they had mated. Part of him wanted to rejoice, but he knew the customs on earth were different
“How was your trip?”
His trip. Someone was sabotaging his company. The question was why? No, the question was who. There were plenty of people who would want to, most of them were in a jail cell. A few of them were no longer around. Someone had tried to interfere with the contract he had received from the military to bring in a suspected traitor, any means necessary. They didn’t ask him how he did it and he didn’t volunteer any information. Plausible deniability. He loved it.
“It was successful. I got the job done.”
He would have to have a meeting with his brothers soon. They may have a traitor in their ranks.
“Do you have my gift on?”
Her cheeks darkened with her flush. She looked good.
Nodding her head she murmured, “Yeah.”
“How do you feel?”
“Naughty, a tad bit wicked and free.”
“I always wanted a guy I could play with, but I always attracted the more serious ones. The ones that acted like in the dark was the only way to go.”
“Doll, I want you with the lights blazing.”
He had waited so long to find a woman who wouldn’t break. Someone not like the fragile women on his planet, who ran and hid at the sight of him. To be fair, if he had been one of them he would have done the same thing. The males of his planet, the ones that called themselves scientists, made sure he and his brothers could not mate with the females of their world. They were bigger and thicker and rougher than the females on his planet were used to. They also made sure they would want to mate.
The mystery was what the scientist also known as the creators did to keep that desire under control while they were on the planet. It was no longer controlled leaving him with a desire to grab Rena and pound into her. He tightened his hold on his restraint.
He looked up to see her just standing there. That flush from her cheeks was trailing down her neck and making her chest a slightly darker chocolate. Good thing he loved all types of chocolate.
“Dinner’s almost ready.” Her words stumbled out and he smiled.
He got up and looked over her shoulder. “Those look good.”
“Sautéed vegetables. These are some of my favorites.”
“I am usually a meat Male.”
“Good thing I am here.”
“I agree.” Control. Forget control he leaned over and kissed her. She tasted just as good as she did the other day and smelled even better.
“Hey, back up buddy. You start that and I will burn the food.”
Rena quickly had the food on the plates and Aran carried them to the table.
“I should have taken you out.”
“I ask you over and then you cook for me. I don’t want you to think__”
“You don’t want me to think that we were hungry and need to eat? Besides,” a devilish smile lit her face. “I expect to be treated like a royal queen and given everything I want.” She said the last between bouts of laughter. “I like to cook. Not all the time, but I live alone so either I cook or do take out. Take out is nice, but after a while you want a home cooked meal.”
“Well, I suppose, when you cook like this.” He tore into his steak which was perfect and then grudgingly took a bite of the veggies. “They’re good.”
“Silly man, of course they are.”
They ate the rest of their meal in silence and then cleaned up together.
“Would you like to go to the game room or maybe upstairs to the sitting room. I also have a living room.”
“Your living room is for entertaining your guests.”
He looked at her and nodded. Restraint he mentally chanted as she saw the desire for him flare in her eyes.
“Let’s go upstairs.”
Smiling, he led the way. He stood back as she peeled her slippers off and sat on the couch with a smile on her face. He joined her.
“Anything special you want to watch?”
She shook her head. “You pick.”
“I have Beauty and the Beast or Superman.” He stared at her, watching her squirm under his gaze.
“Either is good for me I love the whole human/alien thing. I always cheered for Vincent and Catherine to get together. Avatar is by far one of my favorite movies.”
He smiled at her. “Beauty and the Beast it is.”
“You know when I was a kid I was in love with Vincent.”
“You were?”
“Yeah, he was so romantic and different. He loved Catherine, but had to keep it to himself. Maybe I was into tortured couples as a kid. Who knows?” She shrugged her shoulders.
“What attracted you to him?”
“Remember I was a child, but I think I like the fact that he was different. Really I think I liked the tortured beast aspect to it. Besides I loved the concept of aliens and beast. Ask my parents I was always watching Star Trek or reading some science fiction novel. I used to dream of falling in love with an alien or even a beast like Vincent.” She laughed feeling embarrassed. “I am better adjusted now.”
“What if it really happened?”
“What happened?”
“What if Vincent reached across and lifted Catherine’s shirt.” He reached over and lifted her shirt pulling it slowly up over her body until she had to raise her arms so he could take it off.
“What if it happened to you, Rena? What if Vincent touched you, wanted you? Would it scare you? Would you run away from his difference? Genetically different, physically different to some degree.”
“Would you?”
His hands were tracing her throat. He could feel her pulse jumping and the gasp of air she was trying to take in silently.
“I don’t know. Sentient beast and aliens aren’t real. They’re just a fantasy made up to make women hot and bothered.”
“Have you ever noticed that there seems to be an element of truth in everything on television?”
“Are you saying you believe in aliens?”
“You’re kidding right?” She burst out in laughter.
“Look I refuse to believe you’re crazy. So if you have proof of these supposed aliens, now is the time to break it out.”
“What if I were the alien?”
“Sweet. Does that make me Catherine? Do I have my own personal wolf to love me as hard as I want?”
He let her laugh. Heck, he wanted her to laugh. The more relaxed she got the easier he hoped it would be. Why? Because he wasn’t letting her go. Tonight he would take her, make her his, and nothing and no one was going to stand in his way. He had waited too long.
He stood and moved to block the door to the room. He didn’t want to give her a chance to run. He took off his shirt, but decided to leave his pants on. His body elongated, not turning into an animal, but an alien fighter on two legs. Claws popped out of each finger and his fangs grew. Then he opened his mouth and roared.
She screamed.
She jumped up with frightened eyes as she stood in shock and stared at him. Her mind screamed run but her legs were paralyzed from fear. He was huge. How could this be happening to her? She glanced around the room desperately and then looked down at her shirtless torso. She was going to die half naked.
Gulping trying to convince her body to run. Please she begged don’t be the stupid woman in the horror flicks. She grabbed her shirt because modesty was important in death and ran for the bathroom door.
Aran was standing in front of the door that led to the hallway. Was he chasing her? She pumped her legs faster and flew into the bathroom locking the door after it slammed behind her.
She was just going to sit here in the bathroom with her back against the door and wait for the crazy alien to kill her. Her hands were shaking. Forget that her whole body was shaking. It was like some weird version of the twilight zone. Only it was happening in her life. So death did seem to be the only option. Yep, not becau
se she had a death wish, but because she was too dumb to live. She should have seen this coming. That’s right Rena, you should have looked at him and said invader from Mars. Maybe you should have called 911 and told them, given them a description of the deadly alien.
Description to police: he stands six five, has the sexiest eyes I have ever seen and is broad in the shoulders with muscles that make me drool. He is lean in the waist, the waist that I have been thinking about stroking and clutching when he impales me on that thick cock of his. That thick and long cock, I hope. Yeah that would have went over well. Tell us where you’re calling from miss we will come and help you.
How could she have been attracted to an alien? What did that say about her? She shied away from the thought not liking the direction she was headed in and turned her attention back to Aran.
What was that thing…?
“Doll, how are you doing in there?”
“Don’t call me doll. In fact don’t talk to me at all. Are you going to kill me now that I know what you are?”
“Why would I do that? Why are you asking me that?”
“That’s what I’m supposed to ask.”
“Did Lois Lane ask Superman that? Did Catherine ask Vincent that?”
“I don’t know those are television programs that I vaguely remember and are not helpful right about now. Are you laughing at me?” She could hear the laughter in his voice.
He had her in his little alcove the other day and all he did was make her scream with pleasure. That’s a point for him. He called her up and made her hot as sin. Again a point for him. He sent her these beautiful nipple shields that were making her needy, even as she hid in the bathroom. Three points for him. He was sitting on the floor on the other side of the door talking to her and not demanding she come out and grow up. He might be right. There might be a hint of the truth in everything man creates.
“So you’re not going to eat me?”
“Well yeah, I am going to eat you, lick you and plunge my tongue deep in you, but I am not going to have you for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I am sure you will make a tasty snack.”
Chapter Eleven
Hell, she wanted to be scared. Everyone knew you had to be scared of aliens. She would bet there was even a hotline to call if you met one. Maybe it was a hotline to get people who called about aliens off the street.