Nicolas: Love me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance Read online

Page 7

  That sigh of dissatisfaction came forth again. She wanted more, needed more. She brought her fingers to rest on the throbbing pulse at her neck. Closing her eyes she remembered how she touched the thick column of Nicolas’s neck. The throb of his pulse under her fingers, and the aroma of his wildness in her nose.

  She let out a low noise, enjoying the memory almost as much as the actual touching. She trapped her tongue between her teeth as her trembling hands began to move down her torso. What would it feel like to have his incredible fingers touch her? To have him pinch her nipple and roll her breast between his hands before he tugged on her nipple, making her juices flow?

  The feel of her body releasing those juices caused her legs to shake. The wetness of her pussy made her ache making her burn. She needed him. Wanted him.


  The sound of his voice startled her, making her freeze in place with her nipple caught between her thumb and forefinger. Turning her head, she looked at him. His eyes were shining, his beast was close to the surface.

  A high pitch sound wrenched from her throat as a spasm hit her belly. It felt so good, she wanted to drop to her knees and beg for another one.

  “Do you need something?” The sound of his voice in her ears made her want to claw his back as she begged him to take her. How could one male sound so good?

  “I.” Her words came to a stop. What could she say? Please touch me. Make me cream all over you.

  “Let me help you, Angel.”

  How could she say no to that? Her body tightened as she thought of throwing all caution to the wind and simply saying yes. She looked at him, allowing her eyes to show her need and her agreement.

  Nicolas reached in, turning off the water. Then he held out his hand to her. Janis gazed at his hand with trepidation, knowing this was it. If she were brave enough to surrender herself, there would be no going back. With a deep breath for courage, she took small steps forward before finally grasping his hand. She stared at him baring part of herself to him through her eyes.

  Grabbing a towel, he dried her off then picked her up. “Let me touch you, Angel.”

  He stood, waiting, until she gave a small shake of her head. Smiling at her acknowledgement, he took her into the bedroom and lay her down on the bed.

  “Not too much. Just enough to make you feel good.”

  Janis nodded her head, looking at him with big eyes. How could she want him so much and still be nervous about him touching her? She felt her body shiver in anticipation, she was well past the point of saying no. All she wanted was to be touched, for the ache that was burning her up to be satisfied.

  He lie down on the bed with her, wrapping her in his wildness. The primitiveness of the beast combined with the sophistication of the male had her heart beating fast.

  The kiss he placed on her lips was gentle and soothing. Oh, he could kiss, but she didn’t want gentle or soothing. She opened her mouth and sucked his searching tongue in. She gripped his arms, trying to get closer as he deepened the kiss, leaving her wanting more. “Please,” she said incoherently. Just let me know the feel of him once.

  The feel of his tongue sliding over hers was making her ache increase. His tongue thickened. The texture became rougher, tickling her tongue, using seductive in and out movements to make her body thrust up and down with need. She whispered his name around his wicked tongue.

  He moved to the side of her neck, licking and biting her. He nuzzled her there, causing her breasts to tingle. He reminded her of a big cat wanting to play.

  Play time was over when he dropped his head to her breasts and licked at a nipple. Her body trembled, heat searing through her. Her shout came out as ‘please more’.

  Her nipple tightened and throbbed when he sucked it into his mouth. Her core melted as shards of fire hit her belly first and then snaked down to where hunger pooled between her legs.

  She felt her body twisting as she tried to relieve the growing hunger inside. Nicolas held her tight, not allowing her to touch herself as he sucked and played with her nipples, making her scream with need.

  “Please,” she begged, her body so tight with want.

  He flashed her a smile, showing her a hint of his fangs, before he licked and kissed down to her abdomen. She felt him kiss her mound and took a moment to rub her hungry sex against his face. Small shafts of delight ran through her body.

  “I need more.” She was nearly breathless as she spoke.

  Taking his finger he stroked the seam of her sex, making her cry out.

  “Do you like that, Angel?”

  She panted, trying to find her voice. “Yes, Nicolas. More.”

  He licked her clit, bringing tears to her eyes, as she lifted her hips, grinding against his face.

  His tongue and fingers played with her, keeping her on edge. Keeping her begging for more. He looked up and gave her a wicked smile before she felt his tongue penetrate her. His incredible tongue was giving her sensations without pain.

  She screamed as her body tightened up. Her hips moved of their own accord, sliding up and down on his talented tongue. She felt his tongue flick upwards and hit her sensitive core. Her body prepared itself as her cream flowed even faster.

  Again and again he ravaged her until she couldn’t take one more lick. She came apart on his questing tongue and his talented fingers on her clit.

  Her body shook and she keened her rapture, not caring who heard her. The hands that were clutching his hair, unbeknownst to her, finally began to relax. A goofy smile took over her lips and her body relaxed into the small zings of pleasure that were still assaulting it.

  She met Nicolas’s eyes to see a look of pure male satisfaction in them.

  He lie down next to her, stoking her back. “How do you feel, Angel?”

  “Incredible. Marvelous. So freaking good I could shout it to the world.” She gazed up at him with a silly grin on her face. “Why aren’t you saying anything?’

  “I was scared you might hit me if I reminded you that you would beg for it.”

  She stared at him before breaking into laughter. The man didn’t have an ounce of humility. She liked that about him.

  “I’ll let you get away with it this time. Just remember, you won’t always get your way.”

  “So you keep telling me.”

  He gathered her up in his arms and she fell asleep, wondering what she did to deserve a night like this.


  Janis woke to the pleasant sensations of a body that had experienced something new. She opened her eyes with a smile, wanting to find Nicolas. He was sitting on the bed staring at her.

  “What’s wrong?” Her good feeling was quickly replaced by a sense of dread.

  “I’ve been wondering how you’re being tracked. No one should’ve known we were in that hotel room. Then, how did they know you were back at your house? Were they staking out the place or did they have another way of knowing your movements?”

  “I take it a lucky guess isn’t one of the options?”

  He shook his head.

  “I give. How do you think they found me?”

  “You could have a tracking device implanted in you.”

  Janis laughed. “Honestly, Nicolas. That only happens in the movies.”

  He never cracked a smile, just sat and watched her.

  Damn, it did explain things. It meant she wasn’t the crazy cat lady coming up with government conspiracy theories. True she didn’t have any cats, but that was how she was beginning to feel. She hadn’t told her mother she thought she was being watched because it sounded ludicrous.

  “Ok, say I agree with you. Someone planted a tracking device on me. Why would they do that? I have nothing to offer. My job keeps me afloat, but that’s all. I’m not rolling in money. What could I have that anyone would want?”

  “I think you’re an experiment. Why? I’m not sure, but I have a few theories.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “The Created have been on your planet for several
centuries. My brothers and I considered this planet because it was a top contender for Dante and his brothers when they left our world. We didn’t know which planet they’d choose, but we were aware they were fascinated by this one.”

  “What does The Created have to do with me being part of a possible experiment?”

  “Certain people in your government and your military have known about The Created for longer than you’ve been alive. It would stand to reason they were studying us, looking for a way to terminate us if they ever felt we posed a threat to them. This comes as no surprise.”

  Nicolas stood and paced as he pieced his theory together.

  “In the process of trying to eliminate us, it’s possible they came across a strand of deviant DNA some human women carry. They may not have realized how important it would be for us, but they would’ve experimented with it and the females who were born with it.”

  “Why don’t you respect our military? How could you accuse them of doing something like this? That would be morally reprehensible.”

  “Contrary to what you may believe, I hold your military in the highest regard. They fight for their world without requiring others do it for them. I believe their willingness to sacrifice themselves is the reason they are willing to sacrifice unsuspecting civilians. They believe everyone has a part to play. Your part, Angel, is to play victim to their experiments.”

  She wanted to deny his logic, to think the military, and the government, would never hurt her. If they thought they could save millions or billions of lives, would her life be too much for them to sacrifice?

  The fight went out of her. All she wanted to do was hide under the covers and pretend when she woke up the next time, she’d be normal.

  “What should I do? Turn myself in?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  He nodded. “Then let’s start by looking for that tracker.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Janis added shower gel to her sponge as she pondered her last few days. She was an unwilling participant in an experiment. She kept waiting for anger or despair to take over, but it never came.

  She decided she’d dealt with the anger long ago. She thought she’d want to cry at the injustice of being picked as an infant, maybe even an unborn baby. In the end, she felt nothing, which she thought was ironic considering a simple touch was enough to make her writhe in pain.

  She’d spent too many days living with her illness, too many days crying over the unfairness of it. All of that was in the past. What she needed to do now was find a way to come out victorious.

  It was a good thing she had help in that department. It came packaged in a tall, thick body with an incredible tongue and navy blue eyes to die for. Nicolas made her body sing, and she wanted a repeat performance from him. She washed, lingering over sensitive areas, before she turned off the water to face whatever the day held.


  Nicolas sat on the bed, looking at her with hot lust in his eyes. Now they were talking. This had been what she was hoping to see when she woke up this morning. A wave of confidence zinged through her, making her feel like the most desirable woman ever.

  “Hi, yourself,” she said with a silly smile. “Have you given any thought to how we get this tracker out, if there is one in me?”

  He raked her body up and down as she tried to put on clothes in a way that allow her a sense of modesty.

  “Angel, why are you hiding your body?”

  Her body issues came to the surface. Forget about being an experiment or that some shadowy military types were targeting her. No, what he thought about her body was much more important and yes, she was still unsure, even after last night. She examined her body through her own eyes. A waist line that tended to be an eighteen, a chest that wasn’t as firm as when she was sixteen. Thighs that jiggled some and a round ass. Definitely not winning the Ms. America.

  “Angel?” He got up from the bed and moved to stop her from dressing.

  She licked her lips, unsure of what to say. He reached down and tilted her head up so she was looking directly into his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” He kept quiet, simply staring at her. “Honestly, it’s nothing. I guess I’m just a little shy about my body.”

  He ran his hands over her body with such tenderness; it brought a sheen of tears to her eyes.

  “Your body is beautiful. I love the curves and the softness, the bounty of your chest and the way your ass flares out. The softness of your body was meant to complement the hardness of mine. You’re more than I could’ve ever dreamed of having.” He leaned over and kissed her deeply, enfolding her in his arms.

  She reached up and wrapped herself around him. Was it any wonder he was more important to her than those who spent a lifetime making her miserable?

  “Later, I’ll show you just how much I like your delectable body.” He gave her a swift kiss before leaving her to get dressed.

  She moved to the closet, picking out clothes from the few items that were left. All of her clothes were borrowed at this point. Sighing, she decided on another pair of jeans and a shirt that started at the top in a bright color and faded down to darker colors. She took a good look in the mirror and decided she liked what she saw.

  She stopped, her mouth gaping open. She never liked what she saw in the mirror. Mostly, because all she ever saw was an unwanted freak. This time with Nicolas changed her. She saw her and not her exposed skin that would burn if touched. She gave herself a small smile of acceptance before going off to find him.

  “Aran and Rena are expecting us. Do you mind eating there or would you prefer to eat here?” He was standing in the kitchen looking undecided.

  “Either place is ok with me. Which works better for you?”

  “Under the circumstances, I would prefer to get to Aran’s house.”

  She nodded her head, knowing he was concerned about her being tracked again. “Alright, let’s eat there.”

  He flashed her a small smile with a hint of fangs. Her heartbeat kicked up. She was a goner. She waited until he led the way so she could watch his ass flex in his pants.

  “Nicolas, how did you become a doctor?” They were on the way to his brother’s house. She thought this was the perfect time to learn more about him.

  “Each Created was taught a skill that the Scientists thought would be helpful in winning our battles. First, we were warriors born and raised, but then we were trained to be more. I was chosen to become the doctor. No one knows how the Scientists chose us for a specific task. It may have been random, but I don’t believe that. It may have been linked to the dominant male DNA we received.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “I don’t understand the process; I simply know there was one.”

  “How did they control how much you learned?”

  “They didn’t, although they tried. We’re a very creative species. When we’re given the opportunity to learn, we take in all that is said and learn from all non-verbal cues as well. I read every book I could get my hands on. I watched all of the holograms that were used for teaching as well as those that were marked as off limits. When I left our planet, I was one of the highest certified physicians there.”

  Janis sat back and took pride in his accomplishments. A warning siren went off in her head. She couldn’t stay. He deserved someone who didn’t have a price on her head. Besides, she counseled herself, she felt this way because he had a flexible and creative tongue. Anyone he used it on would feel this way.

  Swallowing that lie, but not believing it, she rode the rest of the way in silence.


  “Janis, come in. It’s good to see you again.”

  She smiled at Rena’s genuine greeting. “It’s nice to see you too, Rena.”

  “Come back to the kitchen. We just finished making breakfast.”

  There was a mini buffet laid out. Janis looked at Rena, wondering who else they were expecting.
/>   “Sometimes I get carried away when I crave everything, but don’t want to eat anything. Please have a seat.”

  Janis watched Rena through breakfast, noticing she barely ate. What she did eat, she ate to make Aran happy.

  “Rena, what’s wrong?” Nicolas asked with a frown on his face.

  “I’m simply not hungry. It’s nothing to be concerned about.”

  “Why wasn’t I told about this?” He asked Rena, but his eyes were on Aran.

  “She informed me earth women go through this all of the time. She said it was nothing to worry about.”

  “Rena, you’re the first to ever carry a child of the Created. We must watch everything meticulously. It will be a long time before we will be able to say we expect this condition when a Created is conceived.

  She nodded her head in agreement. Janis thought she looked way too tired to be healthy.

  “Rena, you’ll be the first patient of the day.”

  “Nicolas…” She took in the look on his face and the look on Aran’s and accepted she had no choice.

  Aran got up to clean the kitchen with Nicolas and Janis offering to help. Together, the three of them finished up in no time. Now they were downstairs in Nicolas’s special clinic.

  Rena laid on the bed provided, while Nicolas frowned over her and Aran paced back and forth. Janis sat still and wrung her hands. The tension in the room was high.

  “Just spit it out, Nicolas. What’s wrong?”

  “The child seems to be using up your natural resources faster than your body can create them. I believe this is the reason you are unwilling to eat. You’re simply too tired.”

  She flicked her eyes to Aran and then lowered them. He moved across the room and had her up in his arms before she could protest.

  “Are they in danger, Nicolas?”

  “Yes. If Rena can’t get the resources her body needs, both she and the child will be in danger.”

  “Then she must force herself to eat?”

  “No. She couldn’t eat enough to give her what she needs.” Nicolas stood looking at her results.